The new sporting year has started at breakneck speed and there’s plenty to share, so I’d better get on with it...
The new sporting year has started at breakneck speed and there’s plenty to share, so I’d better get on with it...
In early December, four students from Fishburn Chi Taekwondo Club were
successful in achieving their 1st Dan black belts at a North East British
Taekwondo grading.
The students - Katherine Cooper Young, Arlo Young, Kendra Wade and Phil
Atkinson - who regularly train at Fishburn Youth and Community Centre, had to
perform four patterns, pre-arranged sparring, free sparring, self-defence and
breaking techniques.
Club instructor, Master Mike Britton (5th Dan), said they all worked very hard for
this day and excelled on the floor, along with students from other taekwondo
Taekwondo is a traditional martial art, originating from Korea, and students can
expect to learn a full range of skills including kicking, punching, poomsae
(patterns) and self-defence. Taekwondo is also excellent for keeping fit,
building confidence, learning respect, and teaches strong ethics and moral
values for children and adults alike.
Fishburn Chi Taekwondo Club meets on Tuesday and Thursday nights from
6:00-7:30pm. It currently has over 30 students training, aged six to 75 years old,
and is open to all who would like to learn. For more information, please
call 07743 455065 or 07368 818372.
Sedgefield Squash Club has some exciting news to start the year as it
has a county champion in its midst. Colin Langley became the Squash 57
(racketball) champion at the Durham & Cleveland County Closed
Championships, defeating Phil Mobley from Barnard Castle 3-0. Huge
congratulations to Colin.
It’s been a busy start to the new year for team players with the resumption of
the Durham & Cleveland County Leagues. The standout result was the ladies’
team, who won 3-0 down at Bedale and the 5th team also had an exciting 3-2
win against Nunthorpe 3rd team. A few of the club’s players travelled over to the
Carlisle Squash Open. This was the fourth and largest event of the MatchPoint
one-day events. The Sedgefield successes on the day were Colin Langley who
was runner up in the A Plate final and Huey Lamb who won the D event.
Two of the club’s players, Rob Pearce and Oliver Walls, were members of the
county team nominated to play a touring team from South Africa called the
South African Knights, at Redcar Squash Club. The South Africans were on their
30th tour and were 5-0 winners on the last night of their tour, having already
played 29 matches throughout the UK. It was a well-attended event, with an
audience from across the county who thoroughly enjoyed watching the high
standard of squash on the night.
If you would like to get involved in
squash or racket ball, you can contact
the club at
For Sedgefield Cricket Club,
February marks the start of
preparations for the 2025 season,
with indoor net sessions getting
underway. Senior and U17 squad
members begin weekly sessions at
Norton’s indoor centre on Wednesday
12 February, from 6pm to 7pm, plus
fortnightly sessions at Sedgefield
Community College starting on Friday
7 February, from 7:45pm to 9pm. New
or returning players are welcome. The
other junior squads will also begin
their training at the college this
month, with parents having been
notified of their schedules.
The calendar year also means it’s
membership renewal time, with a big
thank you to everyone who has
already signed up. The cricket club
bar is open during the winter months.
Open to everyone, but with discounted
prices for members, the bar remains a
great place to watch televised sport or
enjoy a game of darts.
Meanwhile, the cricket club is
fundraising for a project to buy
equipment that will allow it to
livestream matches during the
summer. As part of the efforts, on
Saturday 22 February, 1st XI captain
Ben Swindale and fellow players Luke
Henderson, Phil Reynard and David
Budd will run an ultra-marathon of
56km from Bedale Cricket Club (the
furthest away fixture that the first
team will play in 2025) to Sedgefield.
The four men will welcome people
who want to join them and you will be
able to find more details on the club’s
social media platforms closer to the
date. If you would like to contribute to
the fundraising, you can do that at
One of the set-piece events in the winter athletics calendar is the North
Eastern Counties Cross Country Championships (NEXC). Sedgefield
Harriers has hosted the event twice in the last decade, which always takes
place in December. This year, the championships were held in Temple Park in
South Shields, on a course that is used regularly for cross country events. On a
chilly but bright day, several junior and senior Harriers made the journey up the
A19 to take part.
In the U13 girls’ race, Jessica Davies ran brilliantly to finish tenth and in the
boys’ event Matthew Graham also ran well to finish 28th. In the U15 category,
Daisy Woodward was 27th girl, and in the U17 men’s category, Sonny Russell
was 36th. In the senior women’s race, Sadie Abel once again excelled, claiming
20th overall in a really competitive field. Sue Dobson and Christine Hearmon
completed strong runs on a course that presented the traditional cross country
challenges of mud and hills. In the men’s race, Justin Cox was the first Harrier
home, followed by Chris Lines.
On Sunday 12 January, Sedgefield Harriers will host the club’s winter handicap
race for the Gerry Kearsley Memorial Trophy. Starting and finishing outside the
village hall in Bishop Middleham, the race is about six miles long, on two laps of
a multi-terrain route along trails and old railway lines. The handicapping system
is based on each runner’s best 10K time from the last 12 months, with the
slowest participants setting off first, and then the rest at one-minute intervals.
The format means that most runners finish within a few minutes of each other,
creating some exciting racing. There will be prizes in various categories.
event is open to – and suitable for – all runners. It’s free to enter for members
of affiliated clubs, and £2 for unaffiliated participants. You can find out more
about Harriers’ events on the club website (sedgefieldharriers.co.uk) and
Facebook page at facebook.com/sedgefieldharriers.
I’ve reported on the progress of Sedgefield para cyclist Ben Hetherington
before, and he continues to make good progress in the sport. After a poor
performance in the British Para Track Championships in February, it was a time
for Ben to refocus and get back to some hard training, ready for the road
So far, this has paid off, as he won the season’s first para road race in
Nottingham at the end of April, followed up by a win at the time trial. This set
him up for a trip to the World Cup races in Ostend, Belgium and Maniago, Italy, in
May. The races were highly competitive, with riders and countries trying to stake
their claim for Paralympic selection. Ben did well, finishing in the middle of the
pack in both road races and in the top 20 in both time trials.
While on the
continent, he also took part in a para race in De Panne, Belgium, which he won.
More recently, Ben won a bronze
medal in both a road race and time
The rest of the British Para
Series will be held around England,
including at Middlesbrough Sports
Village on Saturday 20 July. The event
will be part of a day of paracycling,
organised by British Cycling in
conjunction with Limitless. Starting at
12 noon and aimed at people with
disabilities, there will be 90 minutes of
free opportunities to try out trikes,
tandems, handcycles and pedal carts.
Then, from 2pm, there will be para
cycle racing in a variety of categories,
and Ben will be in action as he
continues to try and improve his times
and bike handling skills, in order to
ensure a place in the development team
for the 2028 Olympic Games in Los
The event on 20 July will also raise money for the Great North Air Ambulance
Service (GNAAS), which Ben and his family have been supporting since his
accident in 2019. GNAAS came to Ben’s aid then and at Middlesbrough Sports
Village, there will be fundraising to help the service run its two helicopters, The
Guardian of the North II and the Pride of Cumbria II. The event will be a great
chance for anyone to learn more about para cycling and see some great racing.
To find out more about it, contact Gary Hetherington on 07484 673796 or 01740