Jan 2025 Update
The Energy Swtich is now a project on hold given the changes in the current climate.
October 2024 Update
We have received a number of
enquiries from residents recently
regarding the current status of our
Energy Saving Scheme.
enquiries have been prompted largely
as a result of communication from
their current suppliers offering Fixed
Term Contracts. These offers aren’t a
result of our scheme but the suppliers’
own tariffs of which the Development
Trust do not have details so we are
not in a position to provide individual
We continue to consult with Ichoosr
(who have managed the supplier
auctions) and are informed that, in the
current climate, suppliers do not wish
to offer Fixed Term tariffs to collective
schemes such as the one we have
As all residents, who have been a part
of the scheme, will be aware that it
has now been more than two years
since Ichoosr have been able to hold
any of the traditional auctions to
obtain the market leading tariffs that
we became used to receiving. Also
suppliers do not appear to be willing
to offer tariffs to customers without
access to online facilities who require
paper bills. This would affect 25% of
our participants.
It was January 2014 when the
Development Trust explored the
potential of collective bargaining to
reduce resident’s gas and electricity
Since its inception, it has
generated savings of £182,284 to the
residents of Sedgefield for which we
must be grateful to Ichoosr for the
development and continued support
to all participants of the scheme.
Sadly we have decided, because of
the decisions made by the gas and
electricity suppliers, we will no longer
continue to operate the scheme.
Sedgefield Development Trust would
like to say a huge thank you to Peter
Burnip who has been so active in
pursuing energy savings for our
community throughout this project.
He has provided practical help and
guidance to many residents and
solved many complex supply issues
over the years.
Thank you, Peter, for your kindness and your tenacity.
October Auction Outcome (1st November 2023)
In the recent October auction,
suppliers did not bid with tariffs
below the new lower price cap which
took effect from 1 October. This is
the same scenario as in February, so
the advice from Ichoosr remains the
same - “we find ourselves once
again, in a situation where our best
advice for residents is to not switch
so we have made the decision to not
send out offers to residents for this
The ongoing volatility within the
energy market has continued to
make it hard for suppliers to offer
compelling fixed tariffs below the
price cap.
They understand this is
disappointing, and are very aware of
how much residents rely on this
service, however, they are confident
that this is the right decision.
Residents are advised to ‘rollover’
their registration details into the next
scheme which has an auction in
early 2024, at which point we will be
able to inform you further about the
available options.
For online registrants
During w/c 9 October you should
have received an email explaining
the current situation and reasoning
behind the outcome of the auction. A
second email should have been
received by registrants, during w/c
16 October, who have not taken
action to ‘roll forward’ and a link to
the Information Page.
For offline registrants
From 24 October, a letter should
have been received explaining the
current situation and reasoning
behind the outcome of the auction.
Residents will be automatically
‘rolled forward’ to the next scheme.
They can call Ichoosr on 0800 048
8285 to opt out of this if they do not
wish for their details to be included.
The back of the letter will have some
FAQs relating to the current market
At this point in time Ichoosr intend to
hold another auction on 9 January
Registration will open on 13
November and close on 8 January.
Offers will be issued from the 22
January with closure on the 8 March.
If you have any concerns or require
further explanation please contact
our helpline on 07572 502904. We
are always available to help.
Energy Switch News (1st September 2023)
Although the energy
market is still
unpredictable the
energy price cap is due to be
reviewed again at the beginning of
October. The indications are that the
price cap will reduce further and as a
result Ichoosr are proposing to hold
another auction in October.
Although the last auction was
disappointing as savings were only
small in comparison with standard
variable tariffs and the auction did
not secure a tariff for people who
require paper bills it is thought that it
is still worthwhile holding another
auction at this stage.
Energy Switch is back (1st June 2023)
It is almost two years since the last
auction was held when Sedgefield
residents will have had an
opportunity to secure market leading
energy tariffs. Whilst the energy
market is still relatively uncertain we
have been informed that a number of
energy suppliers have sufficient
confidence to be offering fixed price
tariffs again.
Residents who have been a part of
the scheme previously will receive
communication from Sedgefield
Energy Switch before 5th June with
information of what you will need to
do to be included in the upcoming
Residents who have not participated
in the scheme previously but would
like to take part should follow the registration instructions below. If
you need help or haven’t access to
online facilities you can call the
helpline 07843 229357.
The important dates for this auction
period are:
- 4th Sep: Registration Opens
- 3rd Oct: Auction
- from 16th Oct: Offers letters issued
- 27th Nov: Acceptance closes
Why Sign Up?
Taking part is free
It is simple and quick to do
There is no obligation to switch
Did you know?
The statistics for the latest auction period are now in and we have another fantastic conversion rate with 99 local residents being registered. We have again maintained a high switching rate in Sedgefield.
That's another set of wise residents saving money on their energy bills.