Steve's Nature Diary

As I write this the cold snap has just come to an end and it won’t be long before the Blue Tit in my garden will be checking out the nest box and the Great Tit will be doing their familiar “Teacher Teacher “ call to attract a mate and mark their territory. This is perfect timing for National Nest Box week, which will be soon, and which happens to coincide with Valentine’s Day when romance is in the air! British birds are short of nesting holes, and there are plenty of reasons why.

Our gardens, parks and woodland are neater and tidier than they used to be, depriving birds of natural holes to find a home. And to make matters worse there are fewer handy nooks and crannies in modern buildings. The populations of many bird species are down as a result of this housing shortage.

The good news is that everyone can do their bit to help and your own garden is a great place to start. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) reckons that if all the gardens in Britain were rolled up into one giant plot, it would be a huge area bigger than Suffolk. Just imagine how our wild birds would benefit if each one of those gardens contained a nest box or two, plus plants and insects providing food. Alongside common visitors – like Blue Tits, Great Tits, House Sparrows, Robins and Starlings – putting up a box may also boost your chance of attracting rarer species.

Different birds have different requirements – size of box, size of hole or open fronted or other special requirements. So, if you don’t have one in your garden it is well worth putting one up and now is a good time to do it. You can find more information on how to make one (or which one to buy) and where to put it at

Don’t forget that nest boxes are good for us too. Spending time in the garden, building your own box and watching birds make themselves at home are all great stress-busters.

Ceddesfeld Hall: Home of Sedgefield Community Association
Ceddesfeld Hall: Home of Sedgefield Community Association

SCA was delighted to welcome in 2025 with the traditional Burns Supper. The evening was well attended and enjoyed by all. Special thanks must go to Paul Cook the Piper, to Ian Sutherland for the Selkirk Grace, to Jim Sutherland for his Address to the Haggis and his Toast to the Immortal Memory, to Peter Hinde for his Toast to the Lassies and to Maxine Patterson for the Response. There was indeed a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne to finish!

Ceddesfeld Hall is very pleased to host a folk and country music night with the very popular John Wrightson Band (and friends) on Saturday 8 February. Places for the event were snapped up within a day, which is amazing, and very much reflects the long tradition of folk music in the town, with special thanks to Joan Edmundson, who was the driving force for Sedgefield Folk Club for many years.

Ceddesfeld Hall Community Bar continues to offer a warm welcome to all members and residents. The bar has recently been listed in the CAMRA Good Beer guide! The real ales from local brewers remain popular and special mention must go to Hopper House Brew Farm, Durham Brewery and Yard of Ale for their flavoursome and varied choice of beers. Flavoured gins, sparkling wine and cider (now on draft) add to the mix too, all at very reasonable cost! The bar continues to be run by a small committee of dedicated volunteers and is open from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 pm. Please do get in touch if you are interested in getting involved!

Springtime Events

Everyone is of course looking forward to the better weather and it’s going to be another busy springtime for the community in Sedgefield. SCA will be hosting the Easter Picnic on Monday 1 April, a quiz night with pie and peas on Saturday 26 April and of course the 2025 Mediaeval Fayre.

Mediaeval Fayre, Saturday 17 May 2025 – Save the Date!

The planning is well underway already, but anyone who would like to be involved with the organising committee is very welcome - please do get in touch. We are open to new suggestions and ideas on how to promote and improve the event.

SCA relies wholly upon the support from its sections, groups, and members as well as other community groups and associations, local businesses, traders, and organisations who support the event by volunteering to help, provide sponsorship or donate gifts and prizes for the special SCA tombola.

Interest and Hobby Groups

It’s great to see the various groups return to the hall following the Christmas break. New groups are always very welcome with rooms available for hire during the day and evening times. Ceddesfeld Hall has free Wi-Fi in every room and rates are very competitive.

For more information on Ceddesfeld Hall events, regular activities, room hire and bar opening times, contact Wendy on 01740 620206, Pat on 01740 620607, John on 01740 620042, Sarah on 01740 622185. Visit us on Facebook or see the SCA website,

Mayor's Corner
Sedgefield mayor events
Peter and Jaime Hinde
U3A Update

Our members tend to take it easy in January, recovering from Christmas and trying to safely avoid the worst of the winter weather. However, almost 50 of them attended our first meeting of this new year when Keith Simpson talked to us about the history, constancy and changes that have occurred in Tudhoe Village. We were fascinated to learn of the Edwardian Orphanage, the earlier Dame School, the numerous farms and the possibility of a tunnel connecting two of the larger houses in the village. And did you know that they boast the longest village green in County Durham – at just over a quarter of a mile?

Following the success of their pantomime broadcast on Radio Tyneside just before Christmas, our Creative Writing Group is now concentrating on a new topic and on liaising with other groups to share and exchange writing and to connect with the wider world through a WordPress blog and greater use of social media.

A couple of years ago, they produced a short book of stories based on local myths and legends which was illustrated by our Photography group. Before Christmas, they sent a copy of this publication to u3as in the furthest reaches of the UK; copies were sent to Jersey and Guernsey, to St Just in Cornwall, to the Orkney and Shetland islands and to Enniskillen in Northern Ireland. Internationally, a copy winged its way to Sydney in Australia. We’ve recently learned that there is a u3a in our sister town of Sedgefield in South Africa, so we’ll shortly be posting off a copy to them too!

In February, the Group will be hosting another visit by Lucy Brownlee who will be expanding on her October talk on Prose Writing. Non-members are very welcome to attend this meeting. Please see the Events page of our website for further details.

Our next meeting will be on Friday 7 February in the Parish Hall from 2pm to 4pm when a representative from Durham Wildlife Trust will be telling us about their vital work in the various nature reserves in County Durham, the visitor centres at their conservation bases at Rainton Meadows and Low Barns and how best to discover, protect and conserve local wildlife from the Tees to the Tyne.

If you are retired or semi-retired, you are very welcome to join us then. We look forward to meeting you.

Chris Balfour
Your Letters

Thank you

Just after the New Year, our hardy team braved the very chilly temperatures to collect Christmas trees from Sedgefield, which will be recycled by AW Treecare, and used in sites managed by Sedgefield in Bloom. This has now become an annual fundraiser for the group and we would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us in the project. Bloomers

SLYC at 40

At Sedgefield Lyrics Youth Choir (SLYC), we're having a lot of fun looking back over the 40 years since we came into being. A lot of the focus has been on me, as the person who stood at the front that January night in 1985, but I really must put the record straight.

A series of piano accompanists, Kath Kelly, Alistair Fisher, Mary Graham, Rachel Lee and occasional others, took much of the strain. Kay Marsland led a Junior section when choir membership grew to over 40 singers between the ages of 7 and 19, and there was always support from the Lyric Singers.

However, two people deserve particular credit for SLYC's continued success. Fourteen years ago, Rob Guest had come home from Hull University with a degree in music, to begin a career in the public and cultural sectors. Soon he was back with us as accompanist and joined by Kristen Peacock (now Guest), the youth choir thrives under their leadership.

I couldn't be prouder of the SLYC singers and their inspiring leaders. Sandy Clubley

Christingle thank you

On 22 December, St Edmund's Church had over 120 parents and children at the Christingle Service. The 100 oranges which were used to make the Christingles were given to the church free of charge by Sainsbury's - many thanks to the Store Team.

Through the generosity of those leaving a donation in the collection, over £140 went to local charity Feeding Families, the other half going into church funds. Thank you. Chris Rowsby (Treasurer St Edmund's Church)