Sunday 3 March on the Village Green 8:30am - 12:15pm

All our regular stall holders will be at our Market and we welcome Mawbray Cheese who joined the Market last month. A full list of traders attending the Market will be posted on our Facebook page so make sure to check it out.

We are looking for local musicians to entertain everyone at the Market so if you or your group would like to help out, please email us at:

SEW EASY Sew Easy runs on Monday evenings on alternate weeks starting 10 March and there are spaces available. If you are interested, please contact Dorothy on 07773 286743.
REPAIR WEEK Friendly Fixers will be taking part in County Durham's first ever ‘Repair Week’ - a celebration of repair throughout the UK. Residents are invited to gain repair skills, fall back in love with their stuff and help save some money and the planet.

Repair Week 2025 will take place from 3 to 9 March and County Durham will be involved alongside London, Manchester, Liverpool, Belfast and Cardiff. Local location details can be found at

Our regular Friendly Fixers session will take place from 10:30am to 12:30pm on Saturday 1 March at Fishburn Youth and Community Centre with garments, furniture, small electrical, mechanical and ceramic repairs on offer.
WOODLAND & WILDLIFE Formerly part of ‘Durham County Lunatic Asylum’, Skerne Wood lies at the north end of Sedgefield NETPark and is managed as a Community Woodland by local volunteers.

At first glance, it looks unremarkable; a linear strip of marginal grassland, hedgerows and wooded fragments heavily used by dogwalkers and bounded by farmland, industrial development and housing, the type of ‘scrub’ habitat commonly found across the County. A four year survey at Skerne Wood shows that it is home to 140 pairs of birds, including many red-listed species. Beginning with a social history of the site, this talk will demonstrate how such sites are essential and should be valued.

A few volunteers from the Woodland & Wildlife Project headed to the Durham Group of RSPB to listen to Fred’s interesting talk about our project site, Skerne Wood. Fred is a regular volunteer with the project and carries out a dawn bird survey annually, visiting the site every 10 days between March and June come rain or shine! The work Fred carries out gives us a valuable picture of the bird species using Skerne Wood and how it compares to UK trends.

Fred has kindly offered to deliver his entertaining talk in Sedgefield, so look out for further details in Sedgefield News and on social media, all will be welcome! If you would like to know more about the project please contact Melissa at or join our Facebook page - Woodland & Wildlife - Sedgefield.

Steve's Nature Diary

Have you ever wondered where all the spiders go during the colder months? You might think they're all inside your house – but the truth is, they have other strategies up their eight sleeves.

Rather than darting around in your house, most spiders that actually survive the winter choose to shelter outdoors instead. They look for a quiet spot in an outbuilding – or a natural shelter such as under logs or stones, in leaf litter or hollow plant stems – where they're not going to be disturbed by you. This is one reason why it's really important that we don't tidy up too much in the garden, because this can deprive those spiders of cosy spots to see out the cold weather.

Most spiders mate in the late summer or early autumn. After the females lay their eggs, they often die and leave the eggs somewhere sheltered, and wrapped in spider silk. Some species will stay with their egg sac to help keep the eggs warm, as long as they can and increase the likelihood of the eggs surviving to hatch in the spring.

Some species get through the cold season in a pretty amazing way: as the temperature drops, they develop enzymes in their blood that act like antifreeze, and then enter a state called diapause where their metabolism slows right down, and they use barely any energy. There are some spiders that simply avoid outdoors altogether. Giant house spiders – the big dark ones you see in the bathtub – simply live in our houses all year-round. They're apparently getting more active in winter in recent years – maybe due to climate change, or perhaps just because we're keeping our houses warmer.

One species of spider which is being seen more often in people’s houses is the Cellar Spider or Daddy-Longlegs Spider as it is often called. It is an invasive species originally from the sub-tropics; it arrived in numbers in the UK in the 1930s, inhabiting buildings in the extreme south of England. Being from warmer climes it does not survive our colder environment and as a result inhabits houses and outbuildings that are protected from low temperatures.

Of late they have spread throughout England and Wales and even apparently, into parts of Scotland, fuelled, no doubt, by the advent of central heating. When disturbed the spider, which hangs below an untidy silken mass, vibrates the structure (and itself) rapidly in an effort to confuse an attacker.

Any further threat and the spider lets go of its home, drops away and scurries rapidly over whatever surface it lands on. They will tackle a range of prey including wasps and bees and anything that gets too close. During daylight hours they seem to prefer to be tucked away in a crack, crevice or corner and remain there until a prey item blunders into the web or it becomes dark, at which latter event they venture forth and, suspended beneath their hammocks, await the arrival of supper.

So, keep your eye out when you are dusting and please don't disturb!

Ceddesfeld Hall: Home of Sedgefield Community Association
Ceddesfeld Hall: Home of Sedgefield Community Association

SCA was delighted to host a special evening with the John Wrightson Band and Friends. Thank you to Joan Edmundson, John and the band, Dave Walker, John Weighall, Eric Duggan, Sammy and John, Trevor Bond, Maggie and Jeff, and Whisky and Wine. Thanks also to Richard Flannagan on the sound. It was a fantastic evening with all proceeds from ticket sales and a raffle (£630) going to James Cook Oncology department.

Springtime community events – Save the date!

Easter Monday – 21 April - Easter Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt - 2pm to 4pm Always great fun, the egg hunt (with chocolate and sweet prizes) is for children under 12 years old on the lawns. There will be decorated eggs and Easter bonnet competitions, with prizes for all ages. Families are welcome to bring their own picnic and the bar will open from 1:30pm to 4pm.

SCA Spring Quiz Night – Saturday 26 April – 7pm for 7:30pm
£10 per person to include pie and peas, with quiz master Peter Hinde – tickets from behind the bar, or from Pat, Sarah, or Peter. Teams of 6 or less, £10 per person. The SCA quiz is always very popular, so don’t be disappointed!

Mediaeval Fayre - Saturday 17 May - 10am to 4pm - Village Green and Ceddesfeld Hall and Lawns
The Fayre begins with the children’s walking parade from Burton Mews to the central performance arena on the village green. We’re expecting, ‘Dragons and Damsels’ this year, with Olaf the Ice Dragon and Princess Chardonnay adding a bit of extra magic to this special day! SCA will have two tombola stalls (bottles and gifts) while around the Green there will be new and varied craft, gift and food stalls as well as the traditional fun fair. Throughout the day, the mediaeval mayhem will continue with knights who will demonstrate their combat skills, local groups doing battle in the tug of war and a fantastic falconry display – not to be missed!

Ceddesfeld Lawns will be open, for everyone to enjoy ‘Walworth Birds of Prey’, True North Trades tool making, face painting, Marko’s circus skills, living history re-enactments, bucking bronco and more! Delicious hot and cold refreshments will be served throughout the day and the bar will be open.

Volunteers are essential!
SCA wholly rely on local people, community groups and businesses to get involved, to engage and volunteer support in making large events such as the Fayre sustainable and successful. Any financial sponsorship and support from local firms and businesses, as well as practical help with setting up, taking down, manning stalls, running activities etc, is very necessary, so please do get in touch if you can offer any support and help with the events.

For more information on Ceddesfeld Hall events, regular activities, room hire and bar opening times, contact Wendy on 01740 620206, Pat on 01740 620607, John on 01740 620042, Sarah on 01740 622185. Visit us on Facebook or see the SCA website,

Mayor's Corner
Sedgefield mayor events
Peter and Jaime Hinde
U3A Update

Another great monthly meeting, when over 50 of our members gathered in the Parish Hall on the first Friday of the month to listen to an absorbing and motivating talk on the Durham Wildlife Trust.

With David Bellamy as one of the early rangers, and now supported by Sir David Attenborough, the Wildlife Trust play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage.

For 50 years Durham Wildlife Trust has been the leading conservation organisation dedicated to our local area, working to protect, enhance and promote wildlife and nature conservation in South Tyneside, Sunderland, Darlington, Gateshead and County Durham.

Owning and managing 50 nature reserves throughout the North East, they focus on work to restore Durham’s threatened habitats and species, and reconnect people with the natural world around them. While out and about in the coming months why not make it a reason to do your bit, perhaps calling into the West Rainton or Low Barns Reserves for ‘a tea and a wee!’ or offering your services as a volunteer at any of their other reserves.

Lots more details at Group meetings have been very quiet this month. With our demographic of retired people, however otherwise energetic and pro-active, we take care in the colder and less hospitable weather to stay closer to home; there have been no outside visits or trips away from Sedgefield during January and February other than by the intrepid members of the Lunch Group.

In January, they re-visited the Bay Horse in Middridge and enjoyed another lovely meal and in February will be eating at the Green Tree in Tudhoe Village. However, work does continue with other groups.

The Homes and Gardens Group have arranged their programme of visits until mid-summer, with many of them planning personal visits to Hardwick Park, Greatham or Kiplin Hall to see the wonderful snowdrop displays.

The Book Group have been investing in the volumes suggested for the next few months and our Scribes Group have embarked on their next project. The Photography Group will be planning their visits to outside venues. If you are interested in learning more about composing, shooting, editing or presenting your latest images, please do come along and join them at one of their meetings in Ceddesfeld Hall.

Whether you have one of the latest hi -spec cameras or a more pocketfriendly model our members would love to share their advice, knowledge and friendship. Do come along and have a chat. And that goes for all our groups! See the groups page on our website

Our next meeting will be on Friday 7 March in the Parish Hall from 2pm when Lynn Lamport will be returning to tell us all about ‘A Weaver Sent to War.’ Sounds intriguing! If you are retired or semi-retired, you are very welcome to join us. We look forward to meeting you then.

Chris Balfour
Your Letters

Thank you

Just after the New Year, our hardy team braved the very chilly temperatures to collect Christmas trees from Sedgefield, which will be recycled by AW Treecare, and used in sites managed by Sedgefield in Bloom.

This has now become an annual fundraiser for the group and we would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us in the project. Bloomers