Sunday 1
Sedgefield Farmers Market, Village Green, 8:30am to
Monday 2
Sedgefield Local History Society, Ceddesfeld Hall, 7:45pm.
Britain’s Hidden Shop Signs with Graham Soult.
Tuesday 3
Open mic night, Morton and Bradbury Village Hall, 7:30pm.
£5 per person.
Wednesday 4
Sedgefield WI, Sedgefield Parish Hall, 7:15pm. Craft Night
and Harvest Supper—please bring your contribution to the
table. Members’ competition is a hand-made craft, stitched.
Friday 6
Sedgefield and District U3A, Sedgefield Parish Hall, 2pm. A
talk by Denis Fox, The Battle of Britain in the North East.
Visitors welcome, £3.
Saturday 7
Friendly Fixers, Fishburn Youth and Community Centre, 10:30am to 12:30pm. Repair café.
Carol’s Cambodian coffee morning, Morton and Bradbury Village Hall, 10:30am. To raise money for healthcare.
Sedgefield Rock & Blues Club: sorry sold out, Brave Rival, UK's hottest act on the scene.
Sunday 8
Sedgefield Area Churches Together bring-and-share
barbecue, The Rectory, 2 Durham Road, 12:30pm.
Friday 13
Sedgefield in Bloom coffee morning, Sedgefield Parish Hall,
10am-12pm. Come along and join us for some homemade
Saturday 14
Breast Cancer Now afternoon tea, Sedgefield Parish Hall,
1pm-3pm. To raise money for the charity.
Sunday 15
Serpentine Race, 10k trail course, Hardwick Park, starts at
10am. Open to all runners.
Details at
Tuesday 17
Sedgefield Memory Café, Sedgefield Methodist Hall,
10:30am to 12pm. For those living with dementia and carers.
Ferryhill, Sedgefield and District Flower Club, Sedgefield
Parish Hall, 7:30pm. Flower demonstration by Lynda Fraser -
”Rainbow Connection”. Members free, guests £5.
Friday 20
Ferryhill, Sedgefield and District Flower Club coffee
morning, Sedgefield Parish Hall, 10am-11:30am.
£2 for tea/coffee plus scone/cake. All welcome.
Saturday 21
Sedgefield Games Club, Sedgefield Parish Hall, from 6pm.
Come along and play a variety of board games. £2.50.
Friday 27
Sedgefield District Uniformed Services Group coffee
morning, Sedgefield Parish Hall, 10am.
Save the date
Fishburn Youth and Community Centre hosting a beer festival with craft ales and ciders plus traditional bar food. The festival runs on Friday 27 September (7pm-11pm), Saturday 28 September (1pm-11pm) and Sunday 29 September (11am- 2pm). Live music on Saturday night.
From Loft to Loved Craft groups
every Wednesday (10am-12pm, 2pm- 4pm, 5pm-7pm and 7pm-9pm). Sewing groups every Thursday (10am-12pm, 12:30pm-2:30pm). Places need to be pre-booked
Mayor of Sedgefield’s Bingo Night
Saturday 7 September
Doors open at 7:30pm for eyes down at 8pm. Tickets are £3 each and include a ‘Jackpot Game’. They can be purchased from STC offices or ring 01740 621273. Bingo tickets are £5 (cash please) for 6 games, available on the night. The bar will be open from 7:30 pm.
Ceddesfeld Autumn Quiz Night
Saturday 28 September with pie & peas £10 per person
Come along at 7:30pm for a fun evening with quizmaster Peter Hinde. There will be a raffle and please advise of any vegetarian, gluten free or vegan requirements, prior to the evening. Tickets from Pat, Sarah and/or Peter Hinde or from behind the bar, on a first come first served basis. Teams of 6 or fewer.