Saturday 1
Friendly Fixers, Fishburn Youth and Community Centre,
10:30am to 12:30pm. Repair café.
Sunday 2
Sedgefield Farmers Market, Village Green, 8:30am-12:15pm.
Taizé-style Ecumenical Service, St. Edmund’s Church, 6pm.
Monday 3
Sedgefield Local History Society, Ceddesfeld Hall, 7:45pm.
Wednesday 5
Sedgefield WI, Dun Cow, 12pm for 12:30pm. Sedgefield WI
members are getting their glad rags on to celebrate their
107th anniversary with a delicious lunch and birthday cake.
Friday 7
Quiz Night, Mordon Village Hall, 6:30pm.
Friday 14
Sedgefield in Bloom Valentine’s Coffee Morning, Sedgefield
Parish Hall, 10am.
Saturday 15
Sedgefield Games Club, Sedgefield Parish Hall, from 6pm.
Come along and play a variety of board games. £2.50.
Tuesday 18
Sedgefield Memory Café, Sedgefield Methodist Hall,
10:30am to 12pm. For those living with dementia and carers.
Ferryhill, Sedgefield and District Flower Club, Sedgefield
Parish Hall, 7:30pm. Demonstration by Jo Purdy, “Mamma
Mia Tales of a Greek Island”. Members free, guests £5.
Saturday 22
World Day of Prayer coffee morning, Sedgefield Methodist
Church, 10am. All welcome.
Sunday 23
Snowdrop Walk, Hardwick Park, 12pm-3pm.
Friday 28
Sedgefield District Uniformed Services Group coffee
morning, Sedgefield Parish Hall, 10am.
Save the date
The Mayor’s Valentine Dance - cancelled The Mayor’s Valentine Dance, planned for 14 February, has been cancelled.
Ecumenical servce